Dr. Rehema Kutua, MD, CPC, FAA

(she/her), Board Member and Chief Wellness Officer

Rehema Kutua received a B.A. in Psychology from Harvard and earned her M.D. from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. For 2 years before medical school, she taught high school chemistry, social psychology, and A.P. Psychology in the Middle East, in Jordan. She completed her pediatrics residency in the Community Health Track at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C. Since finishing residency, Rehema has worked as a community pediatrician in Los Angeles and Washington D.C., where she now lives and works. Rehema has strong interests in global and public health and believes deeply that high quality, empathic healthcare is a universal human right.

Rehema is also a Certified Professional Coach with special expertise in “Healing Centered Coaching,” a modality that co-creates spaces for growth that enables people to cultivate a life aligned more closely with their values and shaped by intention, purpose and joy. She has been a part of the faculty of 3 medical schools and continues to be enthusiastic about mentoring and supporting the next generation of health care providers. She believes that when caregivers are armed with the tools to work towards alignment of mind, body and spirit for themselves, this has a ripple effect that becomes a force not only for deep good, but for the necessary innovation and sustainable change desperately needed in our healthcare systems today.

In addition, Rehema is a founding member of ConnectWellEd, an ever-evolving organization that currently teaches vital friendship skills to young adults. ConnectWellEd was founded to help mitigate the detrimental effects of the loneliness epidemic that started before, but has been greatly exacerbated by, the COVID19 pandemic.

All of Rehema’s aforementioned interests and expertise in health and wellness, led her to serve as lead Wellness Consultant for the Braxton Institute Tree of Life: Black Faith Matters initiative. She joined our board of directors in December 2021.